What OBGYN to choose

Posted by swimordie 15 yrs ago
Hi I am new to the area and am looking for a great OBGYN. Personally I was always hoping for a midwife do the delivery but I hear here you can't have homebirths in HK. So the question is to all you moms who have had your babies here. I am looking for a friendly, relaxed OBGYN who doesn't push c-sections, who may work with Midwives during the delivery. And who is ok with natural childbirth. Any suggestions would be very appreciated! Thanks

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RA 15 yrs ago
Hi! I went to Dr Phillip Ho, he sits in Hing Wai Building in Central. Also do a search on the forums for Gynaecs, you will have lots of choices. I think the important thing is to tell your doc that you would like to go for natural birth. Most c-sec are only when it is necessary or if the patient had opted for it.

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bigwhale 15 yrs ago
My Dr is Lucy Lord. Her number is 28240822. She has a very low intervention and emergency c-section rate and totally supports natural births.

I completely recommend her.

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michellexpat 12 yrs ago
I'm a first timer and I had worst ultrasound experience any newly pregnant mom could have. I get that these obgyn's have lots of experience with the machinery and tests, but I want someone who can communicate clearly! I don't want a politican doctor who's scared of being wrong or being sued. I'm having complications, nothing on the ultrasound, after tests he very grim. My doc, obgyn in Central gave me the worst case news, see Accident and Emerg on Monday publicly and wrote his letter of referral. I got upset, then he said to my husband "oh, jut wait longer to decide if you need surgery on the fallopian tube, maybe the baby isn't far enough along yet...up to you. But the whole time, he was very adament that I def was far enough along to have sac and baby seen in ultrasound!!" I'm so tired of miscommunication and the run-around and 1 solution when the case is actually complex. I need a obgyn that can communicate clearly, one who is not all over the map! Thanks for your recommendations. I hope these doctors are recommended because they know how to get a point across with their evidence.

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hknixon 12 yrs ago
I'm so sorry to read your situation, I'm not sure who you seen but I had some check ups with Y H Lam in the Henley building in Central. I thought he was fantastic and he's a perinatal specialist!

Good luck

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